“The Bells of Atlantis” is an electro-epic musical story of the global cataclysm that was the fall of Atlantis. The text in the work is borrowed from Lobsang Rampa’s “The Cave of Ancients”. In that book Rampa tells of when he was a young student his mentor took him with others on an expedition far and high in the Himalayan wilderness to a secret cave with artifacts from a lost civilization. There he witnessed a projection of images of a high civilization beginning the decent into war. Then the projection ends and the monks in the cave use their esoteric skills to visit the Akashic Record in order to complete the tale. They see the destruction that resulted in the fall of Atlantis, the Flood, the reversal of the rotation of Earth and the rise of mountains from oceans.
“Bacchanale” from “War and Peace” is a musical evocation of the Roman Bacchanalia, the orgiastic and mystical cult parties ancient Rome. Featuring quotes from Saent-Saëns’ “Bacchanale from Samson and Delilah this one is good for ecstatic dance.
“Prayer for Peace” comes out of an appearance we made in 2021 at the Earthdance festival in Hawai’i. The Earthdance Festival is an annual global event with a coordinated simultaneous prayer for peace. This track also features French hornist Mars Gelfo.
“Honor Your Shadow” is an original mantra from Spark of Spirit and a single released in 2021.
“Peace” comes from our album “Spirit Ways” and is an original electro-mantra by Spark of Spirit.
“Innerspace” is a meditation track from our album “Music of the Spheres”
“Warrior of Light” is an original medicine song from “Music of the Spheres”